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Join Girl Scouts

You can join Girl Scouts at any time! The year officially kicks off in October, however new members are added year round. For more information on joining Girl Scouts visit the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA).


Troops cannot exist without dedicated volunteers.

Troop roles include: Leaders, Friends & Family Network, Treasurer & Cookie Coordinator

Learn more about the following primary volunteer positions and how to register for these roles.


A Service Unit (SU) is a community of girl and adult members in a city, town, or group of towns. The SU team is the key liaison between GSEMA staff and local troops within a community.

Lexington SU 387 holds a monthly Leader/Volunteer Meeting at Hancock Church.

Lexington Girl Scouts Calendar 2022-2023

Lexington has more than 25 Girl Scout Troops of all Levels.

Kindergarten &1st Grade = Daisies

2nd & 3rd Grade = Brownies

4th & 5th Grade = Juniors

6th, 7th and 8th Grade / Middle School = Cadettes

9th & 10th Grade = Seniors

11th & 12th Grade = Ambassadors

Most troops host girls from a multitude of schools in town.